Six Reasons to Consider a Career at

1. You're not overhead; you're the core business. is in the business of providing quality bookkeeping, accounting and tax preparations solutions. As a professional, you're in on the action of what our business is about — not on the sidelines keeping score.
2. You don't have to change jobs to expand your experience base. clients represent dozens of different industries ranging from high tech to financial publishing to retailing. Some are complex enterprises with global interests. Others are emerging businesses facing funding and cash management challenges. With each assignment, you'll add to your resume without having to job hop.
3. You get to apply your good ideas.
At , we're much more than mere bookkeepers, accounts or tax preparers. We pitch in to become a seamless part of our clients' accounting organizations. So you'll get to put your good ideas into practice and experience the thrill of seeing them bear fruit.
4. You get to learn from the best. managers have outstanding bookkeeping, accounting and tax preparation pedigrees, and are respected thought leaders in the field. We measure them not only by the work they perform, but by the people they develop. As a new employee, you're assured of receiving a high level of coaching and encouragement.
5. You can work Part-time, Full-time, remotely or in our office we don’t Care. knows it’s hard to find good people so we are willing to be as flexible as we need to be. Work where you are happiest.
6. Our culture of internal growth means advancement opportunities for you.
It’s no secret that bookkeeping, accounting and tax preparation sourcing is a growth industry, and has been in on the ground floor. And we keep growing; adding more clients, growing staff and establishing new business offerings. If you’re ambitious, this is a great place to be.